Calculation of I2of5 Check Digit
For example if the data "12345" is to be encoded as a barcode. The check digit is calculated as follows.
Data | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Starting from the last digit, multiply by 3 followed by 1. |
| *3 | *1 | *3 | *1 | *3 |
Sum : | (1*3) + (2*1) + (3*3) + (4*1) + (5*3) = 33 |
If Sum Modulo 10 equals 0, the result is 0.
Otherwise the result is 10 - (Sum Modulo 10)
Modulo 10 : | 10 - (33 % 10) = 7 |
Data to be encoded | 123457 |
Mapping | 12 = ',' , 34 = 'B' , 57 = 'Y' |
The characters "{,BY}" can then be keyed in to the text editor with the appropriate font selected to generate a I2of5 barcode with check digit.
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