HTML Barcode SDK
ConnectCode HTML Barcode SDK is a HTML and Javascript barcode generation Software Development Kit (SDK). It creates commonly-used 1 dimensional barcodes like Code 128, Code39, UPCA, EAN13 and others using pure Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and can be used in a wide variety of browsers without additional browser plug-ins.
The SDK does not employ the use of graphics image. Instead, it uses pure HTML tags/code for generating and printing the barcodes. This overcomes typical problems associated with the generation of images on the client (browser), e.g. limited support of the Data URI feature in specific versions of the browsers.
Useful links :
- How to use the Javascript provided by the SDK for creating barcodes in HTML?
- HTML Barcode SDK Properties
- HTML Barcode API
Pure Client Side Technology
The SDK uses Javascript to perform validation of data, automated insertion of check digit and generation of the pure HTML barcode. As it employs only client (browser) side technologies, it requires no programming in the server. The barcodes can be updated and modified without establishing new connections to the server and it does not matter whether .Net, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails or Perl is deployed on the server side. Modern HTML techniques like Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX) can also be applied on the barcodes easily.Proven Barcode Engine
The HTML Barcode SDK is based on the popular barcode solution engine developed by ConnectCode and is trusted by many fortune 500 companies around the world. Our company has helped many organizations clear their independent barcode verifications and thus have the expertise and knowledge to create the highest quality barcodes. This important knowledge is manifested in all our barcode products including the HTML Barcode SDK.The quality is in the details
For example, the implementation of the minimum bar width is one area user can look for on the quality of a barcode engine. The minimum bar width is a parameter that appears in most barcode specifications. It specifies the minimum width of a vertical bar of the barcode. When there is a space constraint, some barcode engines choose to reduce the bar width of some of the vertical bars by one pixel or two to fit the entire barcode into the bounding width. Though the barcode looks ok on the eye, it results in a barcode that is not of the highest quality to the barcode scanner. Compared to these engines, the ConnectCode HTML Barcode SDK engine always uses the same bar width for each of the vertical bars to ensure the highest quality barcodes.
Overview of the HTML Barcode SDK
The HTML Barcode SDK uses pure HTML and CSS for creating the barcodes. Unlike other HTML barcode solutions in the market, it does not require the end user to enable background printing in the browser. It also does not employ additional embedded images which can cause problems on some specific browsers.Barcodes Supported
- Code39 - View
- Codabar - View
- Code39 Ascii - View
- Code93 - View
- Code128 A - View
- Code128 B - View
- Code128 C - View
- Code128 Auto - View
- UCCEAN (GS1 128) - View
- I2of5 - View
- Industrial 2of5 - View
- Modified Plessy - View
- EAN13 - View
- EAN8 - View
- UPCA - View
- UPCE - View
- EXT2 - View
- EXT5 - View
- GS1 Databar 14 - View
Cross Browser Compatibility
The HTML Barcode SDK uses only open technologies like CSS, Javascript and HTML and thus can be used on a wide variety of browsers. It has been tested to work on various browsers such as Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Below is the list of browsers tested and certified by ConnectCode's development team where full technical support will be provided on the SDK:- Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9, 10+
- Google Chrome 4, 5, 6, 7+
- Opera 10+
- Safari 4, 5+
- Mozilla Firefox 3.0+
Background of the HTML Barcode SDK
The HTML Barcode SDK is a result of listening carefully to the feedback of our customers. Many companies have employed our barcode solutions in their enterprise. For example, some of them use our barcode fonts in their reporting solutions. Due to the ubiquity of the web, many enterprises are moving their intranet applications to the web. This results in the demand for printing barcodes in the web using HTML. To these customers, the barcode enabling technology needs to be simple to use and integrate easily with their existing systems. They usually use a wide variety of server technologies such as Java, Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), .Net, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails and Perl scripts. A HTML Barcode SDK using only HTML, CSS and Javascript is thus the perfect solution to generate barcodes and integrate with customers' existing systems quickly and easily.Download ConnectCode HTML Barcode SDK (v1.0) - Open Source
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 ,Win XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8 or
Mac OS X or Unix/Linux - 300 MHz processor
- 64 MB RAM
- 10 MB of Hard Disk space
ZIP Format (WinZip)
- htmlBarcodeOpenSource.Zip - Open Source GNU GPLv3 (Full Source Code)