ConnectCode Barcode Add-In for Excel

ConnectCode offers an Excel Barcode Add-In that simplifies the creation of barcodes in Excel. This Add-in for Excel comes with an elegantly simple user interface and provides an excellent alternative to the VBA formulas for the bulk generation of barcodes.

Barcode Add-In installation for Excel 2010-2021/Office 365 Excel

1. Launch Microsoft Excel, and click on "File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon". In "Main tabs", make sure "Developer" and "Add-Ins" tabs are enabled as shown in the screenshot below.

2. Next, select the "Developer" tab in Excel, and click on "Excel Add-Ins".

3. This will bring up the "Add-Ins" dialog which will allow you to install ConnectCode Barcode Add-In. Click on the "Browse" button. Select "ConnectCodeBarcodeFontAddin.xla" from "C:/Program Files (x86)/ConnectCode/Resource/" folder (or "ConnectCodeTrial" if you are using the Trial version). Make sure "Connectcodebarcodefontaddin" (or "Connectcodebarcodefontaddintrial") is enabled and click on the "OK" button to install it.

Note - If you are using the msix style installer for Windows 11, "ConnectCodeBarcodeFontAddin.xla" is in the "" file.

4. In the "Developer" tab, click on "Macro Security", and "Enable all macros" as shown below.

5. Restart Excel to complete the setup.

Using the Barcode Add-In in Excel 2010-2019/Office 365 Excel

1. Launch Microsoft Excel and create some sample data as shown below. Go to the "Add-ins" tab and click on "Generate Barcode".

2. Select "A2:A10" as the "Range" and "$B" as the "Target Column". Select the type of barcode to generate and click on the "Encode" button. In the screenshot below, "Code 128 Auto" barcodes are generated using barcode fonts. You can resize the barcode by changing the "Font Size".

Barcode Add-In installation for Excel 2003-2007

The add-in is an optional installable item. It is located in the /Resource subdirectory of the trial package and is named ConnectCodeBarcodeFontAddinTrial.xla. You can manually install the toolbar into Excel 2003 (using Tools->Add-Ins) or Excel 2007 (Office Button->Excel Options->Add-Ins->Manage Excel Add-Ins->Go) through the Add-Ins dialog. The details are given in the trial package's help file, which provides a step-by-step guide to the installation process.

Using the Barcode Add-In in Excel 2003-2007

When you have successfully installed the Add-In, you will see a new toolbar in Excel 2003 (or a new item in the Add-In tab of Excel 2007)


Clicking on the Generate Barcode button will pop up a dialog

Click the Select button to choose a column of data to convert into barcode. Choose the desired Barcode Symbology, and click the Encode button. A barcode will be generated for each row of data as shown.