Label Dimensions

Create a label from the stock database and customizing it's dimensions

Understanding a label's dimensions

You can visualize a label stock as a piece of paper containing a single or multiple labels. The labels can be torn off and pasted on physical objects for tagging and tracking purposes. A Page in Barcode & Label describes the paper's dimensions, whereas a Label describes each label's dimensions. It is common to find more than one label on a Single Page (paper) layout. If someone talks about a 5x2 label in the label industry, what they meant is a piece of paper with labels arranged in five rows by two columns grid, as shown in the diagram below.

With the understanding above, the following fields supported in Barcode & Label are quite self-explanatory.

  • Page Width - Width of the Paper
  • Page Height - Height of the Paper
  • Left Margin - Distance from the left edge of the Page to the first label
  • Top Margin - Distance from the top edge of the Page to the first Label
  • Label Width - Width of the Label
  • Label Height - Height of the Label
  • Horizontal Space - Horizontal Spacing between labels from one column to the next column
  • Vertical Space - Vertical Spacing between labels from one row to the next
One important thing to note during printing is that you may notice that the labels' margins may not come out to be what you have expected. The page may be shifted a little downwards or towards the right side of the paper. This is not a bug but a common printing problem due to minimum margins requirements in some printers. The issue can be resolved by adjusting the Left Margin or Top Margin (in the Page Properties flyout).