Barcode Fonts for Windows Store apps (Windows 8)
ConnectCode Barcode Fonts is developed based on the True Type/Open Type fonts format and can be easily embedded in a Windows Store app (on Windows 8) as local resources. This enables developers to generate standards-compliant barcodes using a barcode fonts-engine that is used by many Fortune 500 companies.When a font is printed, it rasters to the resolution of the printer and is not limited to the DPI (Dots per Inch) of the computer screen. This behavior provides users to print barcodes of the highest resolution possible in their environment.
A Windows 8 Software Development Kit (SDK) is provided to ease the task of generating check digits, adding barcode start/stop characters, verifying input and encoding barcode characters. This SDK is available in the following form:
Samples based on the Visual Studio Split App template are also provided to help developers get started on the implementation.